class: center, middle # Refined Types for Validated Configurations ## Viktor Lövgren
--- class: center, middle
--- # This talk was compiled with [tut]( ```scala import com.typesafe.config.ConfigValueFactory.fromAnyRef import com.typesafe.config.{Config, ConfigFactory} import eu.timepit.refined.api.{Refined, RefType, Validate} import import eu.timepit.refined.boolean.And import eu.timepit.refined.collection.NonEmpty import eu.timepit.refined.numeric.{Greater, Interval, Positive} import eu.timepit.refined.pureconfig._ import eu.timepit.refined.refineV import eu.timepit.refined.types.numeric.PosInt import eu.timepit.refined.types.string.NonEmptyString import eu.timepit.refined.W import import scala.util.Try def show[T](t: T): Unit = pprint.pprintln(t, width = 70) ``` --- # Why do we need configurations? * Use the same binary in multiple environments * Avoiding re-compile whenever settings change * Keep secrets outside of version control Bottom line: often necessary --- class: center, middle # Configurations: # What are some of the difficulties,
and what can be done about them --- # Why do we use configuration files? * Change and override settings without re-compile
Configuration library then helps with: * loading/overriding values from properties and environment variables * reusing and referencing across parts of your configuration * merging and loading from files, URIs, and class path * handling type conversions (`String => T`) --- # Example: [Typesafe Config]( ```scala final case class Settings(config: Config) { object http { def apiKey = config.getString("http.api-key") def timeoutSeconds = config.getInt("http.timeout-seconds") def port = config.getInt("http.port") } } val config = ConfigFactory.parseString( """ |http { | api-key = ${?API_KEY} | timeout-seconds = 10 | port = 989 |} """.stripMargin ).resolve() val settings = Settings(config) ``` --- # What's not so good here? ```scala settings.http.apiKey // com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Missing: No configuration setting found for key 'http.api-key' // at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.findKeyOrNull( // at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.findOrNull( // at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.findOrNull( // at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.find( // at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.find( // at com.typesafe.config.impl.SimpleConfig.getString( // at Settings$http$.apiKey(
:32) // ... 429 elided ``` --- # What's not so good here? ```scala val invalidConfig = config. withValue("http.api-key", fromAnyRef("")). withValue("http.timeout-seconds", fromAnyRef(-1)) val settings = Settings(invalidConfig) ``` ```scala show(settings.http.apiKey) // API key should not be empty // "" show(settings.http.timeoutSeconds) // Should be positive // -1 show(settings.http.port) // Ports 0 to 1023 are system ports // 989 ``` --- # What's difficult with configurations? * Often involves writing boilerplate code * Tedious to test, rarely gets tested * Almost never gets validated * Mistakes can lead to disastrous results --- # How should configurations be like? * No boilerplate for declaring or loading * Validated at compile-time or during startup * Validation encoded as part of the types * Secrets never touch persistent storage --- # Eliminating boilerplate: [PureConfig]( ```scala final case class HttpSettings( apiKey: String, timeoutSeconds: Int, port: Int ) final case class Settings(http: HttpSettings) val settings = pureconfig.loadConfig[Settings](config) ``` ```scala show(settings) // Left(ConfigReaderFailures(KeyNotFound("http.api-key", None), List())) ``` --- # What's still not so good here? ```scala val settings = pureconfig.loadConfig[Settings](invalidConfig) ``` ```scala show(settings) // Right(Settings(HttpSettings("", -1, 989))) show( // API key should not be empty // Right("") show( // Should be positive // Right(-1) show( // Ports 0 to 1023 are system ports // Right(989) ``` --- # Encoding validation: [refined]( ```scala // type NonEmptyString = String Refined NonEmpty // type PosInt = Int Refined Positive final case class HttpSettings( apiKey: NonEmptyString, timeoutSeconds: PosInt, port: Int Refined Greater[W.`1023`.T] ) final case class Settings(http: HttpSettings) val settings = pureconfig.loadConfig[Settings](config) ``` --- # Encoding validation: [refined]( ```scala show(settings) // Left( // ConfigReaderFailures( // KeyNotFound("http.api-key", None), // List( // CannotConvert( // "989", // "eu.timepit.refined.api.Refined[Int,eu.timepit.refined.numeric.Greater[Int(1023)]]", // "Predicate failed: (989 > 1023).", // None, // Some("http.port") // ) // ) // ) // ) ``` --- # Can we do better? * Actually, port numbers are between 0 and 65535 (inclusive) ```scala type NonSystemPortNumber = Int Refined Interval.Closed[W.`1024`.T, W.`65535`.T] ``` --- # Can we do even better? * What about clashing ports? * What if we allow impure functions? ```scala final case class OpenPort() implicit val openPortValidate: Validate.Plain[Int, OpenPort] = Validate.fromPartial(new ServerSocket(_).close(), "OpenPort", OpenPort()) ``` ```scala show(refineV[OpenPort](989)) // Left("OpenPort predicate failed: Permission denied (Bind failed)") show(refineV[OpenPort](10000)) // Right(10000) show(refineV[OpenPort](65536)) // Left("OpenPort predicate failed: Port value out of range: 65536") ``` --- # Impurity means we need to be careful * We get compile-time validation from refined using macros * Means we might do the open port check at compile-time ```scala final case class HttpSettings( apiKey: NonEmptyString, timeoutSeconds: PosInt, port: Int Refined OpenPort ) ``` ```scala HttpSettings( apiKey = "y2UX83yLeoGudKMZv9vb", timeoutSeconds = 10, port = 989 ) //
:37: error: OpenPort predicate failed: Permission denied (Bind failed) // port = 989 // ^ ``` --- # Can we improve compile-time safety? * Do you really need to use configuration files? * What about writing your configurations in Scala? * We should not store any secrets in source code * Store configuration code elsewhere, later compile with your application * Alternatively, load the minimum necessary from the environment --- # A pure Scala configuration ```scala final case class HttpSettings( apiKey: NonEmptyString, timeoutSeconds: PosInt, port: NonSystemPortNumber ) // defined class HttpSettings val settings = HttpSettings( apiKey = "y2UX83yLeoGudKMZv9vb", timeoutSeconds = 10, port = 10000 ) // settings: HttpSettings = HttpSettings(y2UX83yLeoGudKMZv9vb,10,10000) ```
\* Assuming single environment, no secrets --- # Loading values from the environment Typically means we have to deal with: * supporting different configuration sources * converting from String to different types * handle errors and accumulate them * somehow manage multiple environments * integrate with libraries like refined --- class: center, middle
--- # What is Ciris about? * Put as much as possible of your configurations in Scala * Load only the necessary values (secrets, environment, …) * Encode validation by using appropriate data types * Deals with error handling and error accumulation * Supports loading values from different sources * Dependency-free core, modules for library integrations --- # Loading the same configuration ```scala import ciris._ import ciris.refined._ val settings = loadConfig( env[NonEmptyString]("API_KEY"), // Reads environment variable API_KEY prop[NonSystemPortNumber]("http.port") // Reads system property http.port ) { (apiKey, port) => HttpSettings(apiKey, 10, port) } ``` ```scala show( // Left( // Vector( // "Missing environment variable [API_KEY]", // "Missing system property [http.port]" // ) // ) ``` --- # Dealing with multiple environments ```scala import _root_.enumeratum._ object configuration { sealed abstract class AppEnvironment extends EnumEntry object AppEnvironment extends Enum[AppEnvironment] { case object Local extends AppEnvironment case object Testing extends AppEnvironment case object Production extends AppEnvironment val values = findValues } } ``` --- # Dealing with multiple environments ```scala import configuration._ import ciris.enumeratum._ val settings = withValue(env[Option[AppEnvironment]]("APP_ENV")) { case Some(AppEnvironment.Local) | None => loadConfig { HttpSettings("changeme", 10, 4000) } case _ => loadConfig( env[NonEmptyString]("API_KEY"), prop[NonSystemPortNumber]("http.port") ) { (apiKey, port) => HttpSettings(apiKey, 5, port) } } ``` ```scala show(settings) // Right(HttpSettings(changeme, 10, 4000)) ``` --- # Loading unary products and coproducts ```scala import ciris.generic._ import shapeless.{:+:, CNil} type SystemPortNumber = Int Refined Interval.Closed[W.`0`.T, W.`1023`.T] final case class NonSystemPort(value: NonSystemPortNumber) final case class SystemPort(value: SystemPortNumber) final case class Port(value: NonSystemPort :+: SystemPort :+: CNil) final case class Settings(port: Port) val settings = loadConfig(prop[Port]("http.port"))(Settings) ```
\* Also works with value classes --- # Loading quantities with unit of measure ```scala import ciris.squants._ import import implicit val source = ConfigSource.fromMap(ConfigKeyType("squants key")) { Map("power" -> "12.0 kW", "area" -> "2.4 km²") } ``` ```scala show { loadConfig(read[Power]("power"))(identity) } // Right(12.0 kW) show { loadConfig(read[Area]("area"))(identity) } // Right(2.4 km²) ``` --- class: center, middle
--- # Summary * Configurations are typically associated with: boilerplate, mistakes, no tests, no validation * Use [PureConfig]( to eliminate boilerplate code * Use [refined]( to encode validation in data types * You can improve compile-time safety by writing as much as possible of your configurations in Scala * [Ciris]( is a library helping you to do so --- class: center, middle # Questions? ## Thanks!
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